Fernando from Portugal

It passed already more than half way from my adventure in Sweden, and what a journey it is until now and it passed like a Ferrari in a track. Since october, I integrated much more inside of Fjället and most important with the kids, i organized some events to everyone, like the Portuguese night which was one of my highlights.It was a lovely event what i showed a bit of my culture to everyone, i made some portuguese dinner and portuguese dessert to start and in the end of the night some Quiz about Portugal. Other events that i organized was the Ping Pong Tournament what is something that i love always to do and as i won some tournamemnts in the past, i thought that was important to bring out.Months passed and unfortunately about life i had some troubles about a disease that i suffered 8 years ago, im still under medical vigilance but i think the worst, it passed !Unfortunately too, was the rising of the pandemic of Corona virus which was we have limits but we tried to managed in the best and safety way.I still cannot believe that passed halfway, im still doing my journalism, im still interacting with the kids, I'm feeling good.See you in the next postWith Love Fernando