“Work hard, be kind, and amazing things will happen” - Conan O'Brien

My adventure continues in Fjället. I have been here for a month and I would like to say that every day of volunteering here is different and unique, every day is full of news, findings, and communication with diverse people.
I was in Stockholm for an on-arrival training of the European Solidarity Corps program. At the training, I met other young people from different countries of the world; We shared knowledge, experiences, expectations, and dreams with each other, which are related to the motivation to participate in this program. I am very happy to have met amazing people. I had a city tour in Stockholm, which left a great impression on me. I chose the title of this blog – "Work hard, be kind and amazing things will happen" - because with this phrase I started looking for new experiences in Fjället and this phrase is the main way of my motivation.
Last month I spent getting to know the youth center, getting to know young people, and discovering their interests. I am very lucky to be doing my European Solidarity Corps volunteering project in such a diverse environment.
After a month, I can say that Fjället is a place where young people have many opportunities to develop, discover or strengthen their interests, find friends, and support their and other young people's development.